Sports Film Production

Sports & Fitness Film Production Services



It all begins with an idea. We will help you grow that idea into a real life, executable vision which will help grow your brand. Pre-production is the most important step of any film production. Without a solid plan, you’ll burn on set hours and waste money.



Once we have all the necessary footage, we’ll move into the editing room. We’ll establish a brand guide, if you don’t already have one to make sure all your content conveys a consistent message and maintains a consistent look and feel.


On set is where the magic happens. Our sports production team is always prepared and efficient. No standing around burning hours. We will have everything on site and on set to create your brands vision and bring it to life.


Social Content Development

From most production days, we’re able to derive a series of social media video to use in a supplementary way. These are not your core message videos or films but help create a voice for your brand or project. Sometimes they are behind the scenes videos, outtakes, explainer videos or short videos on related topics.


The Final Product


Main Ad

This ad, created for Sophisticated Movement, was our main production focus. Taking two full shooting days with four locations plus a two week lead time for editing. We worked with our client to script it, light it, shoot and edit the final advertisement.

With two full shooting days we were able to derive several pieces of social media content as seen below.


Social Media Content


It’s All About Passion

If you’re passionate about your brand, then we’d love to work with you and create some amazing content!